Amy – 2/4/12

Mt. Morris NY

Investigators on site: Jennifer and Tim

Claims of Activity: This family suffered a death in the summer of this previous year, and they feel as if this family member may be still lingering. This home has been owned by several generations of this family. Claims include:

Below are some of the evp's that we collected.

This one is somewhat faint, but you will hear the answer of "alright" after one of our investigators states that we want to communicate with them.

This next one I need to premise, that we were discussing the claims of the home. We were discussing what has happened to the people that live here. One claim happened while one of the women were in the bathroom. So here, you will here her state that she was in the bathroom, and you will hear a very distinct breath that was not one of ours.

Another claim involved the sheets on the bed moving while one of the women was in the bed. This really scared her at the time, and we were discussing the fact that this was not where she normally slept and that perhaps, the spirit did not know it was her, instead of the her sister, whose bed this belongs to. Seems we got confirmation of this theory. You will hear a woman describing that "he might not know it was her..." and then we hear a "no" which was not one of us.

In this next clip, we are discussing the situation, and at the end, there is an unexplained giggle.

Now it gets a little interesting....we had audio and video running in the office upstairs. We were down below in the living room. We are getting activity in the living room through evp and other devices, and at the same time, we are getting activity upstairs as well.

We decided to put together both the audio and video of these events.

This clip takes place when we are downstairs asking questions, you will hear us downstairs. We got the same voice on both the camera's audio and our digital recorder that we had in the same room. The camera's audio does not pick up our voices downstairs, but the recorder is more sensitive and it did. We got a voice that says "help me".

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Here is the audio at the same time:

This next piece was an event that was very much unexplainable. We can not say for sure that it was paranormal, however, it is note worthy. We were downstairs doing a spirit box session and the spirit to whom we were trying to communicate with....his old cell phone was in the room with us. During this session, it lit up for no apparrent reason. We could not figure out a logical explanation but at the same time, did not truly believe it was paranormal in nature. However, at the exact same time upstairs, there was also some activity. We are undecided about this event, but still consider it note worthy.

This is the video of the event.

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We did collect more evidence in the form of spirit box sessions and evp's....but the personal nature of the conversations dictate that we keep the remaining confidential.

**TWPG returned for a second investigation on June 9, 2012 but obtained no further evidence.**